Protecting Structures Naturally...

Corrosion Protection & Inhibitors

Any deteriorated RCC structure need corrosion protection before it is repaired. Multichem manufactures, RustClean and Ferroshield MCI to give total protection to concrete structure.



  • Products are manufactured with most advanced acrylic, SBR and syrene-acrylic technologies with excellent bond strength with substrates.
  • Time tested products.
  • Each material can be applied on wet surface.
  • Multicrete CM is multipurpose product with inherent nanotechnology.


Following are the products designed for different application.


Rust loosening and removal product for heavy corroded reinforment.……Read more.
2-K reinforment protection cementitious coating with corrosion inhibitor.……Read more.
Rust converting coating for medium corroded metal where it is difficult to clean.……Read more.
Powertop 170
Non-shrink high performance epoxy polymer concrete for refurbishment in low temp where advance corroison resistance is required.……Read more.
Powertop 180
Non-shrink high performance novalac epoxy polymer concrete for added chemical resistance and fast return is required.……Read more.
Powertop 190
Vinyl-ester based polymer concrete for pump and pad rebuilds in areas of strong acid and caustics.……Read more.
Multcon EPMultiplast RePROTECT
High performance corrosion inhibitor additive to be added to repair mortar or concrete based on bipolar migrating corrosion inhibitor technology (BMCIT) properties.……Read more.